Fotos de Atardeceres

by Apper World



Although it is true that we can all like it at a given moment, there are people who feel true passion and admiration for sunsets. In fact, that is called opacarophilia. Enjoy them to the fullest with this appA star, in particular the Sun, is at sunset when, due to the rotation of the Earth, it crosses the plane of the horizon and passes from the visible to the non-visible hemisphere. That is, when its height is zero, going from positive to negative. In the case of the Sun, this determines the end of the day.Although it is true that we can all like it at a given moment, there are people who feel true passion and admiration for sunsets. In fact, that is called opacarophilia. This condition makes the person who suffers from it look for the best place from which to watch the sunset every time they travel somewhere.What does a sunset represent?There are those who associate sunsets with a moment of reflection, since it is the step at the end of the day and invites us to think about what we have done. If metaphorically it is extended to the twilight of life, in our last moments, it is time to review all the years lived.The word "sunset" is formed from Latin roots and means "to get late." Its lexical components are: the prefix ad- (towards), tardis (afternoon) and scere (process, durational action).And why do sunsets make us happy?The sun hides between clouds at sunset. This is because the sunlight at sunset acts directly on some specific areas of our brain responsible for processing emotions, more specifically, positive ones.Sunsets are also intimately connected with love, life, God, friendship, family, the beach, and the ocean. Sunsets, as sunsets are also called, are one of the most beautiful and photographed natural events in the world.